Our Mission
To embody the indomitable spirit of Sacramento through a unified purpose. Our relentless commitment to excellence and humble approach will lead to sustained success and positively impact our community.
Our Values
At Sacramento Republic FC, our vision goes far beyond the game. We embody the indomitable spirit of Sacramento, channeling it to make a lasting, positive impact in our community. This relentless commitment to excellence is the backbone of our tradition—a shared dedication to winning together.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging
As we strive for victory on the field, our broader objective is to leave a lasting, empowering imprint off the field. Our relentless commitment to excellence forms the backbone of our tradition—an unwavering dedication to winning together.
We take great pride in fostering a diverse workforce that mirrors a mosaic of backgrounds, perspectives, and skills. Anchored in the ethos of ‘Indomitable’, our mission is to recognize that a diverse and inclusive culture is fundamental to achieving our objectives. Sacramento Republic FC values and celebrates the vital contributions stemming from the diverse knowledge, experiences, and unique qualities each individual brings.
Depending on your role with the organization, you will have the ability to work from one of our facilities below, including Heart Health Park on match days and our collaborative office space in the heart of Sacramento.

Training Facility at
Cosumnes River College

Main Office &
Pro Shop

Heart Health Park at
Cal Expo
Interns at Sacramento Republic FC gain invaluable experience with one of the premier clubs in the USL Championship, while also benefiting from unique opportunities like team-building events, job shadowing, and more. Internships are currently exclusive to Sacramento State students,
Internships are available in three sessions:
Spring Semester (March-May)
Summer Session (June-August)
Fall Semester (August-October)
Internships are typically available with the following departments:
Community Investment
Corporate Partnerships
Human Resources
Public Relations
Ticket Sales/Sales Operations
Youth Programming
What are the qualifications for Sacramento Republic FC Internships?
To qualify for our internships, you must be:
- Currently enrolled in college at Sacramento State
- Able to commute to the downtown Sacramento office and Heart Health Park – where all positions are located
- Available to work up to 12 hours per week, with flexibility depending on the number of units you need to complete.
- Declared Major or minor
- Have 195 or 295 level course that needs to be met or internship through college that needs to be met.

Whether you’re in the front office or supporting our operations behind the scenes, you can be a part of a passionate and dedicated team committed to excellence. At Republic, our vision extends far beyond the game itself. We embody the indomitable spirit of Sacramento, channeling it to create a profound, positive impact within our community. Sacramento is not just our home; it’s the heartbeat of our club. Our success starts with you.
Ready to apply? Click the links below to explore our open positions on TeamWork Online or connect with us on LinkedIn.