In 2019, Republic FC pledged to build one futsal court a year – fast forward 4 years and the club has vastly surpassed that goal as the Mission Tiger Court at Sylvan Middle School was officially opened this month. The court is the 12th futsal project developed by Republic FC and its partners in the region, and first located directly on a school site.

“Mission Tiger and Kellogg’s have made a significant investment to support middle school students, and it’s amazing to be with them here today to open another futsal court for the community,” said Republic FC Director of Community Investment Kevin Burdick.
For San Juan Unified School District Melissa Bassanelli, the court is an example of the way that partnerships rooted in community can benefit students. “This is huge for our community,” she explained. “There are over 600 students here at Sylvan and the new court will help empower us and provide new ways for us to support our students – not just academically, but also socially and emotionally, as well as getting out and being active.”

Since 2019, Tony the Tiger and Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes have embarked on a mission to give more kids access to the benefits of youth sports through Mission Tiger. With unique and innovative partnerships, Mission Tiger has helped more than 1 million youth across the country by repaving courts, refurbishing sports facilities, providing new training equipment, and more.
“It’s always so special when we partner with Republic FC,” said Mission Tiger Account Executive Ray Kwan. “When I was growing up, my life could’ve gone one of two ways and without people stepping into my life and providing new opportunities, I wouldn’t be where I am today. So if we can impact one more student’s life with this court, then we will reach our goal.”
With the new court, Republic FC has now developed 12 new futsal courts throughout the Sacramento region, identifying unused and dilapidated spaces to be transformed into thriving, vibrant facilities that inspire communities to focus on health through sports, create connections through teamwork, and provide safe, fun spaces to gather. The club has continued to work closely with community partners to provide year-round programming at the courts, hosting free youth clinics, cultural festivals, and more.